"We're still the same as we were in the beginning of time."
takaasʔič ḥuuḥtikšiiḥ
"Everybody continue to learn."
"We're still the same as we were in the beginning of time."
takaasʔič ḥuuḥtikšiiḥ
"Everybody continue to learn."
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Hesquiaht people, we’re alarmed at the critical survival point our language has
approached. Less than one percent of the Nuu-chah-nulth populations speaks a
Nuu-chah-nulth language dialect fluently, and more than half of those speakers
are over the age of 65. The loss of our
language would mean the loss of an immense amount of ancient knowledge that we
want in our lives. We want to
participate in the preservation and transmission of our cultural protocol, our
spirituality and connection to place, our unique expression and worldview.